GPCA Structure

General Assembly
The highest GPCA decision-making body is the bi-annual General Assembly, consisting of delegates from active county Green Parties. The General Assembly makes decisions for the GPCA party on platform, budget, state party Treasurer and Liaison to the Secretary of State, and instructs the California Secretary of State on the Green presidential candidate to list on the primary ballot. The number of delegates allocated to each county is roughly proportional, based on the number of Green registrants in that county.

County Councils
In every Presidential Primary election, registered Greens in each county elect members as their Green Party County Councils. The County Council is the legal body of the GPCA on the county level equivalent to other political party's Central Committees. County Councils are generally responsible for organizing and coordinating Green Party activity in their county and for representing the county to the state party.

The Green Party of California has a team of officers and officials who perform specific statewide roles, including the Liaison to the Secretary of State, the Treasurer, and also Spokespeople, who represents the GPCA to the media and the general public.

Committees and Working Groups
In between General Assemblies, a 24-member state Coordinating Committee oversees the ongoing work of the state party and maintains internal communications. The Coordinating Committee is elected annually by the Standing General Assembly for two-year staggered terms. Standing Committees and Working Groups carry out work in specific areas and develop proposals for the General Assembly.

Standing Committees include Bylaws, Clearinghouse, Finance, Information TechnologyMedia and Platform,Budget, Campaign Funding Support and other minor sub-committees.

Working Groups are less formal, participatory groups open to all Green Party members and include: Campaigns & Candidates, Electoral Reform, Green Issues, and Grassroots Organizing.

Nationally the GPCA is affiliated with the Green Party of the United States, and the GPCA delegation to the GPUS is elected by the General Assembly. Internationally, the GPUS is a member party of the Federacion de Partidos Verdes de las Americas and the Global Greens.


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