David Curtis 328.20pc

David Curtis

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  • donated 2014-06-05 11:16:09 -0700

    Registration - GPCA General Assembly
    Santa Barbara, June 21-22, 2014

    You are invited to the next General Assembly of the GPCA, at the Santa Rosa Dorm Formal Lounge , UC Santa BarbaraIsla Vista. The General Assembly is the party's primary decision-making bodyDelegates are chosen by counties. Please have your County Party send a list of all of your delegates here. Other Greens are welcome to attend as provided for in this policy


    Registration is now open and will be $40 through June 1 and $50 afterwards. All registrations include lunch and a light breakfast each day. All meals will be vegetarian or vegan. 


    We are also strongly encouraging all attendees to stay in the dorms on Saturday night, to maximize planned and spontaneous interactions, at this critical juncture for our party where our survival is threatened by Proposition 14 (Top Two Primary) - and because other lodging options in the Santa Barbara area are much more expensive.


    The room package for $75 includes a Saturday night room in a double, a very nice vegan catered Saturday night dinner, and a full breakfast Sunday morning. If paid by June 1, we are offering a discounted combined registration/room price of $105, a savings of $10. After June 1, the combined registration/room price will be $125. Owing to space limitations at UCSB, rooms may not be available after June 9 (the date by which we need to pay UCSB for how many people are staying on campus.) For a single room, the discounted registration/room price by June 1 is $130 and after June 1, is $140. For those not staying in the dorms, who want to purchase Saturday night dinner separately, the cost is $17 if paid by June 1.


    We ask that you please register on-line via the form below if possible - it will save you and the party time, and makes our record-keeping much easier and more accurate.


    Please fill out the form below and click "Continue to Paypal". You will then be taken to a secure page where you can complete your payment with a credit card or paypal account.  If you must pay by check, make it out to "Green Party of California" and send to GPCA, PO Box 160, Station A, Richmond, CA 94808 so that it arrives by June 18th. Otherwise bring your check to the General Assembly.

    Please register using the form below by selecting one of the following options:

    $  20 - Single Day Registration only (through June 1, $25 after)

    $  37 - Single Day Registration only, with Saturday night dinner for those not staying in the dorm (through June 1, $45 after) 

    $  40 - Two Day General Registration only (through June 1, $50 after)

    $  57 - Two Day General Registration only, with Saturday night dinner (through June 1, $70 after)

    $105 - SPECIAL OFFER: Registration plus room combo package in a double room (through June 1, $125 after)

    $130 - SPECIAL OFFER: Registration plus room combo package in a single room (through June 1, $140 after) 

    If you selected a double room and already have a roommate in mind, or have any other preferences regarding roommates, please let us know by selecting "add note to seller" on the paypal page.  Otherwise, we will assign you a roommate of the same gender.  If you would like to help others with travel costs to attend the General Assembly, please donate to the Nancy Broyles Memorial Fund (used to subsidize low-income delegates) by selecting "Other" and entering an additional amount.


  • donated 2013-06-22 08:25:47 -0700

    Register for the Napa General Assembly, June 22-23, 2013

    Napa Women’s Club  • 218 Franklin St., Napa, CA 94559 

    You are invited to the next General Assembly of the GPCA, the party's primary decision-making body. Delegates are chosen by counties. Please have your County Party send a list of all of your delegates here. Other Greens are welcome to attend.

    Registration is now open and will be $40 through June 19, and $45 thereafter. We ask that you please register on-line via the form below if possible - it will save you and the party time, and makes our record-keeping much easier and more accurate.

    The form below will take you to a PayPal link that would will follow to pay by credit card or PayPal. If you can only pay by check, make it out to "Green Party of California" and send to GPCA, PO Box 417332, Sacramento, CA 95841 so that it arrives by June 19th. Otherwise bring your check to the General Assembly.

    All registrations include lunch and a light breakfast each day and all meals are vegetarian or vegan. Information about lodging and transportation is here and the draft agenda is here. There will also be a Greens in Government public forum on Saturday night, June 22. Hope to see you in Napa. 

    Please register using the form below.  Advance registration is $40 ($45 after June 19).  If you would like to help others attend the General Assembly, please donate to the Nancy Broyles Memorial Fund (used to subsidize low-income delegates) by selecting "Other" and entering an amount over $40.


  • signed up for blogger 2012-01-26 06:07:07 -0800

    Please volunteer!

    vote_green.jpgWith your help, we will realize a political revolution, including by electing more Greens to office and registering 100,000 new Green Party members to build support for Green candidates and policies.

    Become a volunteer

  • signed nomorestarbucks 2012-01-06 17:27:01 -0800
    Down with Starbucks and their overpriced crappy coffee. Living wages for all workers!

    No More Starbucks. Sign & share our petition.

    24 signatures


    We, the undersigned concerned supporters of thriving local economies, do not want Starbucks to open on the corner of First and Main Streets in Napa or anywhere else in California.

    Add signature