REGISTER for the San Joaquin General Assembly, June 9-10, 2018 - Green Party of California
You are invited to the GPCA General Assembly, Saturday/Sunday June 9-10, 2018 in San Joaquin County. The GA is taking place in Burwood 1 room of the Wentworth Education Center, 2707 Transworld Drive, Stockton, CA 95206.
The General Assembly is the party's primary decision-making body. See the draft agenda. Delegates are chosen by counties. Please have your County Party send its delegate list here. Other Greens are welcome to attend as provided for in this policy.
Registration is open now and is $50 for both days through midnight, Sunday June 3rd and $65 afterwards. All registrations include lunch and a light breakfast. All meals will be vegetarian or vegan.
We ask that you please register on-line via the form to the left if possible! - it will save you and the party time, and makes our record-keeping much easier and more accurate. Please fill out the form below and click "Continue to Paypal". You will then be taken to a secure page where you can complete your payment with a credit card or paypal account. If you must pay by check, make it out to "Green Party of California" and send to GPCA, PO Box 85, San Francisco, CA 94104 so that it arrives by June 14th. Otherwise bring your check to the General Assembly.
If you would like to help others with travel costs to attend the General Assembly, please donate to the Nancy Broyles Memorial Fund (used to subsidize low-income delegates) by selecting "Other" and entering an additional amount.