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Draft Agenda - The Green Party of California General Assembly, Saturday, November 12th, 2022 - Online

Last updated 11/11/22, 8:15 AM



8:00 am - Registration


Facilitators: June Brashares & Nassim Nouri

9:00 am - Opening Session (30 min)

- New delegate orientation (Nassim Nouri)

- Quorum count (Laura Wells)


9:30 am - Agenda approval (30 min)


10:00 am Break


10:10 am - Decision: Proposal (updated proposal) That GPCA join the ProRep Coalition as a coalition member to help educate Californians about, and eventually build an initiative for, proportional representation. (25 min) (Presentation)

Sponsors: Green Party of Humboldt County, Green Party of Sonoma County, Green Party of Santa Clara County

Presenter: David Cobb & Caledon Myers 


10:35 am Approval of July 9th & 10th GA minutes (10 min)

Presenter: Rick Greenblatt


10:45 am Decision: 2023 Budget and 2023 Strategic Plan (75 min) (CC and Finance Committee)

Presenters: Justin Richardson & Mica Daniel


12:00 pm Decision: Confirmation of Coordinating Committee Nomination of Justin Richardson for GPCA Treasurer for the Two-Year Term 2023-25. (CC) (15 min)


12:15 pm Lunch 


1:15 pm Reconvene 

Facilitators: Mimi Newton & Dave Grover


1:20 pm Quorum Count (Laura Wells, 5 min)


1:25 pm Decision: Confirmation of Standing Committee Co-Coordinators. (10 min)


1:35 pm Discussion: Report back from newly reconfigured Standing Committees and announcement of committee vacancies. (35 min)

Coordinators of the Standing Committees to present the work and progress for their committees and ask for volunteers to join.


2:10 pm Discussion: County Green Party reports and strategic discussions. (90 min)


3:50 pm Next General Assembly Meeting Date. (10 min)


4:00 pm Closing Session


4:05 pm Adjourn the GA
