Orlando Johnson donated 2024-11-22 18:23:59 -0800
Orlando Johnson donated 2022-11-11 18:36:34 -0800
Online - November 2022 General Assembly
You are invited to the Green Party of California's General Assembly on Saturday, November 12th, 2022.Join us for the discussion and approval of the 2023 budget and other internal party business, and get updates from county Green Parties.This General Assembly will be held by video teleconference, and all Greens are invited to attend. You can find the draft agenda HERE. Shortly after you register, the details of the teleconference will be emailed to you along with your receipt. Find what you can expect at the General Assembly and Zoom meeting tips HERE.
We ask for a contribution of $25 to cover costs and support the Green Party of California. If you can, please consider making an additional contribution to cover registration costs for a fellow Green. The registration fee will increase to $35 on Monday, November 7th.You may also use the "other" option to pay an amount that is comfortable for you, whether it is an increase or a decrease.
If you would prefer to pay by check, make it out to "Green Party of California" and send it to GPCA, PO Box 485, San Francisco, CA 94104 so that it arrives prior to November 7th and let us know by email to [email protected].
We look forward to having you join us at the GA!
______________Delegates to the GA are chosen by counties According to Article 7 of the GPCA bylaws. Here is a list of delegate distribution by county. Please ensure that your County Party has submitted its list of delegates. Post GA, minutes and other updates will be posted to this page.
Orlando Johnson donated 2022-07-01 00:16:57 -0700
Online - July 2022 General Assembly
You are invited to the Green Party of California's General Assembly on Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and 10, 2022.Join us to welcome guest speakers, Dr. Jill Stein and Ms. Margaret Kimberley. Also hear from the Left Unity Slate candidates, get updates from county Green Parties, and engage in discussions.This General Assembly will be held by video teleconference, and all Greens are invited to attend. You can find the draft agenda HERE. Shortly after you register, the details of the teleconference will be emailed to you along with your receipt. Find what you can expect at the General Assembly and Zoom meeting tips HERE.
We ask for a contribution of $35 to cover costs and support the Green Party of California. If you can, please consider making an additional contribution to cover registration costs for a fellow Green. The registration fee increased to $35 on July 5th.You may also use the "other" option to pay an amount that is comfortable for you, whether it is an increase or a decrease.
We look forward to having you join us at the GA!
______________Delegates to the GA are chosen by counties According to Article 7 of the GPCA bylaws. Here is a list of delegate distribution by county. Please ensure that your County Party has submitted its list of delegates. Post GA, minutes and other updates will be posted to this page.
Orlando Johnson donated 2021-11-20 00:26:24 -0800
December 2021 General Assembly - Online
Minutes of the Dec 2021 General Assembly were approved by the GPCA General Assembly on July 9, 2022.
You are invited to the next GPCA General Assembly, Saturday and Sunday Dec. 4th and 5th, 2021. This GA will be held by video- and teleconference. The draft agenda can be viewed and printed here and the details of the teleconference will be emailed to you shortly along with your receipt.
We ask for a contribution of $35 to cover costs to and support the Green Party of California. If you can, please consider making an additional contribution to cover registration costs for a fellow Green. The registration fee increased from $25 to $35 on November 29th.
Delegates to the GA are chosen by counties According to Article 7 of the GPCA bylaws. Please ensure that your County Party has submitted its list of delegates. All Greens are invited to attend the General Assembly (attendance policy.)
We ask that you register online using the form on this page if possible! - it will save you and the party time, and makes our record-keeping much easier and more accurate. Please fill out the form and click "Continue to Paypal". You will then be taken to a secure page where you can complete your payment with a credit card or Paypal account. If you would prefer to pay by check, make it out to "Green Party of California" and send it to GPCA, PO Box 485, San Francisco, CA 94104 so that it arrives by November the 29th and let us know at [email protected] so that we can register you.
You may also use the "other" option to pay an amount that is comfortable for you, whether it is an increase or a decrease. We look forward to seeing you at the December GA!
Orlando Johnson donated 2020-11-16 15:05:58 -0800
Online - November 2020 GA
Online - November 2020 GA
Green Party of California's virtual November 2020 GA
Minutes of the November 2020 GA - Approved at the July 2022 General Assembly
You are invited to the next GPCA General Assembly, Saturday and Sunday November 21st and 22nd, 2020. This GA will be held by video- and teleconference. The details of the teleconference will be at the top of your receipt.
We ask for a contribution of $25 to cover costs and support the Green Party of California.If you can, please consider making an additional contribution to cover registration costs for a fellow Green. The registration fee will increase to $35 after November 16th, REGISTER EARLY!
Delegates to the GA are chosen by counties According to Article 7 of the GPCA bylaws. Please ensure that your County Party has submitted its list of delegates. All Greens are invited to attend the General Assembly.
We ask that you please register online via the form on the left if possible! - it will save you and the party time, and makes our record-keeping much easier and more accurate. Please fill out the form and click "Continue to Paypal". You will then be taken to a secure page where you can complete your payment with a credit card or Paypal account. If you would prefer to pay by check, make it out to "Green Party of California" and send it to GPCA, PO Box 485, San Francisco, CA 94104 so that it arrives prior to November 13th.
You may also use the "other" option to pay an amount that is comfortable for you, whether it is an increase or a decrease. We look forward to joining you at the November GA!
See videos of some of the presentations at the November 2022 GA HERE.