Merchandise Donation
*** Be Seen Being Green ***
*** Get your GPCA Literature ***
Your donations go a long way in an ALL-volunteer organization! Green Party of California is a grassroots community of activists and volunteers who are building the platform for the government we deserve and the world we need. Check out our t-shirt, literature packs, and tabling kits and order them here!
After you make a donation here, you will be emailed a donation receipt.
Please let our volunteer team know the type/quantity of literature or t-shirt size you'd like to receive and confirm your shipping address by emailing that information to [email protected]. Thank you!
.Green Party t-Shirts - $25
Our t-shirts are a bright Green, union printed in CA and show what is at the heart of our policies: People, Planet and Peace!
.GPCA Literature - $10/pk
- The GPCA Trifold is a full page, folded to 8.5x3.7" and provides lots of information about our values, positions, and history. $10/100
-The GPCA easy-to-distribute Palm card is approximately 4x3" and highlights our key values and GPCA contact information. $10/100
Both pieces of literature have a space on the back for customizing with your own county Green Party or personal contact information using a standard 1x2.5" address label.
The electronic files for both of these literature are also available for download HERE.
GPCA Tabling Kit - $35
Our Tabling Kit has everything you need to start getting out there and table in your communities. After you make your donation please reply to the donation receipt email from [email protected] to confirm your order and shipping address.
Included in the kit are the following items:
Help us spread the word and share your own pictures of being seen being GREEN with us on Facebook & Twitter
Want to do more? Volunteer and together, we can build a Green movement, we ARE the change we've been hoping for.