Approved GA Agenda

Draft Agenda - The Green Party of California General Assembly, July 9 & 10, 2022

Last updated 7/9/22, 5:20 PM

As approved by the General Assembly


Saturday, July 9

8:00 am - Registration


Facilitators: Mica Daniel and Nassim Nouri

9:00 am - Opening Session (30 min)

- New delegate orientation

- Quorum count 


9:30 am - Agenda approval (20 min)


9:50 am- How do we create the people’s movement we need to save our world? (1 hour)

Dr. Jill Stein and Ms. Margaret Kimberley, in conversation. Introduced by Nassim Nouri


10:50 am - Break (10 min)


11:00 am - Discussion: The 2022 Left Unity Slate campaign, and beyond - Statewide Candidates SubCommittee (1 hour) Appendix B.

Sponsor: Statewide Candidate SubCommittee, Presenter: Greg Jan


12:00 noon - Lunch break (1 hour)


Facilitators: June Brashares and Greg Jan 

1:00 pm - Reconvene & Quorum Count (10 min)


1:10 pm - Decision: Proposal to adopt Bylaws amendment to reorganize GPCA Committees and Working Groups (50 min)

Sponsor: Bylaws, Presenter: Mimi Newton, James Lauderdale and Laura Wells 

Amended version on 7/9/22


2:00 pm - Decision: Proposal to adopt Summaries of the Platform Pillars (50 min) 

Sponsor: Platform Committee, Presenter: Nassim Nouri and Peggy Koteen

Amended version on 7/9/22


2:50 pm - Approval of GA minutes

- Decision: Approval of Dec 2021 General Assembly Minutes (5 min), Laura Wells

- Decision: Approval of June 2021 General Assembly Minutes (5 min), Nassim Nouri

- Decision: Approval of Nov 2020 General Assembly Minutes (5 min), June Brashares

- Decision: Approval of June 2020 General Assembly Minutes (5 min), Nicole Raglin

- Decision: Approval of Nov 2018 General Assembly Minutes (5 min), Mimi Newton


3:15 pm - County Green Parties Reports & Social - news about Green’s local activities and projects - CC (1 hour) - Delegates and representatives from all county Green parties and groups will share their activities, accomplishments and challenges of organizing Greens locally.


4:15 pm- Adjourn for the day



Sunday, July 10

Facilitators: Diana Brown

9:00 am - Opening Session (10 min)

- New delegate abbreviated orientation

- Quorum count 


9:10 am - 10:50 - Discussion: EcoSocialism - Humboldt County (1 hour) 

Presenter: Mark Adams, Nicole Raglin, and David Cobb


10:50 am – 10:55 - Break


10:55 am - Discussion: Democratic Party failure and our opportunities - Green Party of Alameda County (1 hour) Presenter: Barry Sheppard and Michael Rubin


11:55 - Announcement of Standing Committee vacancies - CC (25 min)

Presenter: Nassim Nouri


12:20 pm - Next General Assembly Meeting Date (10 min)


12:30 pm - Closing Session &  Adjourn the GA



– END –