Support the Green Party
This page is for once-off donations. If you'd like to contribute regularly, you can become a monthly sustainer here. Thank you!
The Green Party stands for:
- Green jobs, public education, universal health care, civil rights, and civil liberties for all
- Strong action to stop global warming
- An end to corporate personhood and corporate control of our country
We need your support so that we can successfully promote our platform, elect more Greens, and grow our party.
The Green Party does not take corporate donations. We are self-funded by people like you. Your support will enable us to hire a voter registration field organizer to expand our base and organize our volunteers. Hundreds of thousands of Californians would register Green, if only we can reach them. With your donation, we can.
Help us continue to organize in communities and expand our voter registration efforts. You may use the form below to make a one-time donation, or join our Sustainer Program to have an even greater impact.
If you prefer to mail a check instead of donating on-line, send your check to: Green Party of California, PO Box 485, San Francisco, CA 94104-0485