David Ostwald 49pc

David Ostwald

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  • signed nomorestarbucks 2012-01-07 16:39:16 -0800
    Isn’t this where we already have an established LOCAL coffeehouse, the NAPA VALLEY ROASTING COMPANY??!!

    Stop corporate greed! Prevent Starbuck’s from even trying to displace the café we already have. Keep the giant chains out of downtown. Preserve Napa’s imtegrity so that our home maintains the appeal of its true identity. There are way too many Starbuck’s already! When at all possible, always choose local coffeeshops before Starbuck’s, Peet’s or any of the corporate chains! Patronize small businesses by choice and maintain our freedom to choose!

    No More Starbucks. Sign & share our petition.

    24 signatures


    We, the undersigned concerned supporters of thriving local economies, do not want Starbucks to open on the corner of First and Main Streets in Napa or anywhere else in California.

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